Training – What’s New in Windows Server 2016

Title: What’s New in Windows Server 2016
Published: 06/03/2016
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Instructors: Corey Hynes and Ward Ralston
Level: 200 (Intermediate)
Length: 5 hours
Modules: 7
Assessments: 5
Cost: FREE
Training URL: Click here to launch training


In this helpful course, get the details about the features and functionality that have been added to this new version of Windows Server, along with those that were modified from previous versions.
See demonstrations and get high-level overviews online casino go, from a practical and a conceptual standpoint. Take a look at what’s new in Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V and software-defined networking, learn about the latest in software-defined storage, and hear about security features, including Credential Guard. Plus, explore containers and Nano Server, along with implementation and management.


  1. Instructor Introductions and Prep
    Meet your instructors, and learn what you should know as you come to this course.
  2. Introduction to Windows Server 2016
    Get a high-level overview of what’s new in Windows Server 2016, from a conceptual standpoint.
  3. The Software-Defined Datacenter – Part 1 
    Take a look at what’s new in Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V and software-defined networking.
  4. The Software-Defined Datacenter – Part 2 
    Get a high-level overview of what’s new in Windows Server 2016 storage, including software-defined storage.
  5. Security and Authentication 
    Look at the newest features in Windows Server 2016 security and Remote Desktop Services (RDS), including Credential Guard and RDS Scaling.
  6. Application Platform 
    Take a look at containers and Nano Server, along with implementation and management.
  7. Post-Event Survey (optional)
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Training – Windows Server 2012 R2 Storage Jump Start

I have been VERY impressed with the Microsoft Jump Start courses! It’s great to hear that they have another one coming later this month – perfect timing before General Availability (GA) hits for Windows Server 2012 R2.

Microsoft Virtual AcademyTopic: Windows Server 2012 R2 Storage Jump Start:
New Choices

Date: Tuesday September 24, 2013
Time: 12:00 PM – 8:00 PM Eastern (9-5 PDT)
Venue: Online – Microsoft Virtual Academy
Cost: FREE

JumpStartDescription: IT leaders struggle with the costs and complications associated with data growth and are looking for new solutions and tools to help them scale and keep costs down. Come to this Jump Start to find out how the new tools in the R2 release of Windows Server 2012 can help you move workloads to less costly and more robust and scalable storage solutions. Learn more about Automated Tiering, Data Deduplication, Scale-Out File Server, shared VHDX files and Hyper-V live migration over the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol (SMB Direct and SMB Multichannel).

Prerequisites: Having a solid understanding of Windows Server 2012 storage concepts. Preview Windows Server 2012: Storage and What’s New in Windows Server 2012 R2 Jump Start.

Registration: Registration for this event IS required.
Register today!

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Weather Woes and Siding Woes: Why Cutting Corners on Repairs Can Cost You Big

Living in a house is like living in a fort – it should be a place of comfort and security. But just like any fort, your home needs strong walls to keep out the invaders – in this case, the rain, sun, and wind that come with the weather. Your siding is your first line of defense, but harsh weather can leave it battered and bruised. Here’s why understanding how the weather affects your siding, and why hiring the best siding contractors is crucial, can save you money in the long run.

Weather’s Tantrum: A Multi-Hitter for Your Siding

The elements can throw a whole lot at your siding, each with its own destructive power:

Sun’s Scorching Temper: The relentless sun can be like a bully, fading and cracking your siding, especially if it’s made of lower-quality materials. This not only makes your house look worse, but it also weakens the siding’s ability to protect you from other weather woes.
Rain’s Persistent Drip, Drip, Drip: Heavy rain can be like a sneaky thief, exploiting any cracks or gaps in your siding to sneak in. This moisture intrusion can lead to mold growth, rot, and even structural damage – all problems that can cost a small fortune to fix.
Wind’s Furious Fists: Strong winds can be like a destructive prankster, ripping off siding panels, especially during storms. Loose siding creates openings for water to get in, exposing your home’s vulnerable interior to the elements.

DIY Danger Zone: Why Shortcuts Can Lead to a Bigger Bill

While patching up a small crack yourself might seem like a quick fix, it can be a gamble that ends up costing you more. Here’s why hiring top-notch siding contractors is the smarter financial move:

Expert Detectives: Experienced contractors are like CSI for your siding. They can identify weather-related damage with a keen eye and recommend the most effective solutions. They can also spot potential problems before they become major issues, saving you from a hefty repair bill down the road.
Flawless Installation is Key: Proper siding installation is like building a fort with perfect brickwork. Skilled contractors ensure the siding is installed flawlessly, creating a watertight seal that keeps leaks and drafts at bay. This level of expertise minimizes the risk of future weather damage, saving you money on repairs.
The Right Armor for the Right Battle: Different climates require different siding materials. Top contractors are like warriors who know the best weapons – they can recommend siding specifically designed to withstand the weather challenges of your region. This ensures your siding is built to last and protects your home for years to come.
Warranty as Your Shield: Reputable contractors offer warranties on their work and materials. This peace of mind translates to financial security, as you’re protected from unexpected repair costs within the warranty period.

Invest in Your Home’s Fortress

Hiring the best Calgary Siding installation service isn’t just about curb appeal; it’s about proactively protecting your investment. By prioritizing quality materials, expert installation, and preventative maintenance, you’re ensuring your home can weather any storm and remain a secure and comfortable haven for years to come. Think of it as a long-term investment in your home’s fort. The upfront cost of a professional is a small price to pay compared to the potential financial and structural damage caused by neglecting your siding.

So, don’t let the weather win the battle against your home. Schedule regular inspections, address weather-related issues promptly, and consider working with the best siding contractors in your area. Your home and your wallet will thank you for it.

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Videos – Free SBS 2011 Standard Training

The folks on the Windows Small Business Server team at Microsoft have recently released a batch of training videos called “Learning Bites”. These short videos (typically under 5 minutes each) focus in on specific tasks and demos on SBS 2011 Standard.

SBS 2011 Standard “Learning Bites” Videos

Title of Video Length Released
SBS 2011 – Overview 26:05 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Technical Decision Maker Overview 50:49 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Administrative Console 5:00 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Backup Wizard 4:57 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Computer Properties 3:45 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Connect Computer 2:43 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Connect to Internet Wizard (CTIW) 2:05 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Groups and User Roles 4:37 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Health Reporting 3:33 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Internet Address Management 4:06 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Managing Remote Web Access (RWA) 3:15 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Using Remote Web Access (RWA) 3:16 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Managing Storage 3:16 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Managing Updates 3:59 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Managing Users 4:22 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Security 2:30 01/14/2011
SBS 2011 – Shared Folders 4:12 01/14/2011


As additional videos are released, you can find them here:

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Free Windows Small Business Server 2011 Training

Complete one of these Windows Small Business Server 2011 courses between now and January 26, 2011 and you’ll be entered for a chance to win a Windows Phone 7 or an Xbox Kinect sensor.

Windows SBS 2011 Standard Technical Training:

Note: You will need a Microsoft Partner ID credentials to log onto the training site to view this content.

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Webcasts – Get Your MS Virtualization Learn On

Nowadays you can’t swing a dead cat without hitting someone who’s talking about virtualization. I’m guessing that your technicians are up-to-speed with virtualization, but are your sales folks?

Webcast screen shot Microsoft has a great series of webcasts for Microsoft Partners to give them the basics of virtualization with the following 4-part (6 segment) series with Ronald Grattopp and Bryan Von Axelson:

The Ultimate Sales Guide to Microsoft Virtualization

Note: You must have a Microsoft Partner ID linked with your Windows Live ID and sign in to view these webcasts.

Link to Desktop Virtualization sweepstakes Microsoft Desktop Virtualization Sweepstakes

In addition to some great (and free) information, Microsoft is providing an incentive for Microsoft Partners to attend these trainings. They are giving away:

  • Two (2) HP EX90 MediaSmart Servers
  • Eight (8) Sony Touch Readers

Webcasts in bold above are eligible for the Desktop Virtualization Sweepstakes. Sweepstakes ends April 12, 2010. See official website for details.

You can also stop by the Microsoft Virtualization portal:

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Webcast – Windows 7: Crystal Meth for Geeks

Join Susan Bradley and I this week as we combine super-forces to to give the following presentation:

Yes, this is my office, and I'm running Windows 7. -Tim Title: “Windows 7: It’s Like Crystal Meth for Geeks
Presenters: Susan Bradley [SBS-MVP] & Tim Barrett
Date: 10/22/2009
Time: 12:00 PM Noon Eastern (GMT –5)
Host: Third Tier
Link to attend: Click here

This presentation will help you understand the features of Windows 7. This version of Windows has many, many cool new features that end users are going to love and geeks will become addicted to. Susan and I share our favorite parts of Windows 7, and I’ll try not to act like a goober and embarrass her. Join us for all the fun!

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Should I Sell Essential Business Server 2008?

If you’re a Microsoft Partner selling & supporting Windows Small Business Server, you’ve probably already asked yourself the question above.

The answer to that question depends primarily on you and your company, rather than on the features or maturity EBS product itself. The reason being; the EBS market is vastly different than the SBS market. Different not just in scale and dollars involved, but in expectation management, project planning, level of communication, and perhaps even in the way you invoice.

Chris Rue - If you’ve been eyeballing EBS and looking at moving towards the mid-markets, or even if you’ve already been there for quite some time, you will definitely benefit from watching Chris Rue’s 5W/50 webcast:

Title: “Adding Essential Business Server to Your Infrastructure Practice”
Presenter: Chris Rue [EBS-MVP] CEO of Black Warrior Technology, LLC and David Fabritius, Technical Product Manager (SBS/EBS) at Microsoft
Date recorded: 04/10/2009 at 12:00 PM Eastern
Registration URL:

Have you ever wanted to sit down over beers and pick the brain of an expert in a product or market? This webcast is like that. It’s directed at Microsoft Partners, and it’s a real eye-opener for SMB folks who haven’t had much mid-market experience. Chris definitely knows his stuff. This webcast is well worth your time, and I HIGHLY recommend it – fantastic job Chris!

Also, hats off to the folks at Microsoft for putting the 5W/50 webcast series together! To Eric Ligman, Mike Iem, the presenters and crew, You guys rock!

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Invitation – KYSBSUG 2009 Feb Live Meeting

KYSBSUG SBS 2008 and EBS 2008 have been out for several months, but are you using it yet? Are your customers?

Join us for this presentation and learn what’s new in SBS 2008, where the pricing sweet spots are, and gotchas to watch out for. We’ll talk about the training that’s available to get you up to speed, books, and a little bit about Hyper-V and SBS. Time has been allotted at the end of this presentation for extensive Q&A.

The good news is that you don’t even need to get in your car – we’re bringing this meeting to you via Microsoft Live Meeting so as many people that want to can attend!

Date: Wednesday 02/18/2009
Start time: 6:30 PM Eastern (GMT -5)
End time: 8:00 PM Eastern (or whenever there are no more questions)
Presenter: Tim Barrett
Topic: SBS 2008 / EBS 2008
Seating in the Live Meeting is limited to the first 50 people, so sign up ASAP!

Registration URL:

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Webcast – Changes to the Microsoft Partner Program

Microsoft Small Business Specialist logoEvent Title: 5W/50 Series – New Generation Certifications: Program Overview & Certification Resources Available for the SBSC Community
Date: Monday April 20, 2009
Time: 12:00 PM Eastern (GMT –5)
Duration: 1 hour
Presenters: Deborah Vosler (Microsoft) & Mark Crall (Tech Care Team, Inc.)
Cost: Free
Registration: Click here (Microsoft Partners Only)

Learn why Microsoft developed the New Generation of Certification, as well as what certification exams and resources are currently available for Microsoft partners, including the SBSC community. Find out more about the value of certification, including how it can benefit your business.

(Personal Note: I’m interested to hear the fate of the 70-282 and the SBSC program.)

Source: Mark Crall’s blog

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