Download – Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure

ebook_dev_azureTitle: The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure, Second Edition
Published: 2017
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
File size: 3.21 MB
Pages: 57
File name: Azure_Developer_Guide_eBook.pdf
Download URL: Click here to download


The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure was written to help you on your journey to the cloud, whether you’re just considering making the move, or you’ve already decided and are underway.

This e-book was written by developers for developers. And it is specifically meant to give you, as a developer, a fundamental knowledge of what Azure is all about, what it offers you and your organization, and how to take advantage of it all.

Using Microsoft Azure for Marketing

Welcome to our blog post where we delve into the exciting world of marketing and explore how Microsoft Azure can be a game-changer for your marketing campaigns. In today’s digital era, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their audience. Let’s discover how leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft Azure can elevate your marketing efforts to new heights.

1. Harnessing Data Insights

One of the greatest advantages of using Microsoft Azure for marketing is its ability to provide valuable data insights. With Azure’s advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, you can gain a deep understanding of your target audience’s preferences, behavior, and demographics.

By analyzing social media data, you can identify trends, sentiments, and consumer patterns, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly. Azure’s powerful data processing capabilities empower you to transform raw data into actionable insights, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

2. Personalized Customer Experiences

In the marketing world, personalization is key to capturing and retaining customer attention. Microsoft Azure enables you to deliver highly personalized experiences to your target audience across various social media platforms.

With Azure’s scalable infrastructure and artificial intelligence (AI) services, you can create dynamic content that resonates with individual users. By leveraging Azure’s cognitive services, such as text and image recognition, you can analyze user-generated content and deliver tailored recommendations, promotions, and advertisements.

3. Enhanced Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is a vital component of any successful marketing strategy. Microsoft Azure offers a range of tools and services that can optimize your social media advertising efforts.

Azure’s machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify the most effective ad placements, optimal posting times, and target audience segments. This allows you to allocate your marketing budget more efficiently and achieve higher conversion rates.

4. Seamless Campaign Management

Managing marketing campaigns across multiple social media platforms can be a daunting task. However, with Microsoft Azure, you can streamline your campaign management process.

Azure’s cloud-based infrastructure provides a centralized platform where you can create, monitor, and track your marketing campaigns in real-time. From scheduling posts to analyzing campaign performance, Azure simplifies the complex task of managing social media marketing efforts, freeing up valuable time and resources.

5. Scalability and Reliability

As your business grows, so does the need for scalable and reliable marketing solutions. Microsoft Azure offers a robust and flexible infrastructure that can adapt to your evolving marketing requirements.

Azure’s cloud-based services allow you to scale your marketing campaigns effortlessly, ensuring that your social media presence can handle increased traffic and engagement. With Azure’s reliable infrastructure, you can rest assured that your marketing efforts will run smoothly without interruptions.

In conclusion, utilizing Microsoft Azure for marketing can be the key to unlocking the marketing heaven for your business. By harnessing data insights, delivering personalized experiences, optimizing social media advertising, streamlining campaign management, and leveraging scalability and reliability, Azure empowers you to reach new heights in your marketing endeavors.

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Tools of the Trade – #05 Notepad++

Title: #05 Notepad++
Published: 05/18/2016
Publisher: Don Ho
Version: 6.9.2
File size: 4.0 MB
Frequency of use: DAILY
Cost: Freeware
Donations are accepted (PayPal, Tibit & Bitcoin)

Works with PortableApps: Yes
Download URL: Click here to download


Notepad++ is a free source code editor and Notepad.exe replacement that supports several languages.



I use Notepad++ daily for quick and dirty editing of XML, HTML or CSV. The line numbering, tabbed pages and text highlighting are great, though I still use the ISE for PowerShell coding.

From Notepad to YouTube: The Power of Simple Tools and Buying Comment Likes

When it comes to technology, sometimes the simplest tools can be the most powerful. Take the humble notepad program, for example. This basic text editor has been around for decades, but it remains a valuable tool for many tasks. And believe it or not, there may be a connection between using notepad and buying comment likes on YouTube.

Let’s start with notepad. This program may seem basic, but it has many uses beyond simply typing up notes. For example, you can use it to create HTML and CSS files for building websites, write scripts for automation tasks, or even write code for programming projects. Its simplicity makes it an accessible tool for anyone, regardless of their technical expertise.

Now, let’s talk about buying comment likes on YouTube from As a YouTuber, you know that engagement is key to the success of your channel. The more likes and comments your videos have, the more likely they are to be recommended to new viewers. One way to boost engagement is to buy comment likes. This can increase the perceived popularity of your video, leading to more organic views and engagement.

So, what’s the connection between these two seemingly unrelated topics? Well, it turns out that using notepad can actually help you make more informed decisions when it comes to buying comment likes on YouTube. By using notepad to write out your goals and strategies for your channel, you can better track your progress and make sure you’re investing your money wisely in buying comment likes.

In addition, using notepad to write out your video descriptions and titles can help you incorporate important keywords and phrases that can increase the visibility of your videos to search engines and potential viewers. This can lead to more organic views and engagement, reducing the need for buying comment likes in the first place.

Of course, it’s important to note that buying comment likes on YouTube should be done responsibly and within the platform’s guidelines. It should not be used as a substitute for creating quality content and building genuine engagement with your audience.

In conclusion, the notepad program may seem like a relic of the past, but it remains a powerful tool for many tasks. By using it to write out your goals and strategies for your YouTube channel, you can make more informed decisions when it comes to buying comment likes. And who knows? With the right strategy and quality content, you may not need to buy comment likes at all. So, start using notepad and boost your YouTube engagement today!

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Tools of the Trade – #04 IrfanView

Title: #04 IrfanView
Published: 03/10/2016
Publisher: Irfan Skiljan
Version: 4.42
File size: 2.03 MB
Frequency of use: DAILY
Cost: Freeware for non-commercial use
Donations are accepted (PayPal)

Works with PortableApps: Yes
Download URL: Click here to download


IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 , 2008, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10.


  • Over 140 supported file formats (click here the list of formats)
  • Support for Adobe Photoshop Filters
  • Batch conversion (with advanced image processing)
  • Multimedia player
  • Change color depth, cut, crop, resample
  • Add overlay text/image (watermark)
  • Effects (Sharpen, Blur, Adobe 8BF, Filter Factory, Filters Unlimited, etc.)
  • Extract icons from EXE/DLL/ICLs
  • Many command line options
  • Much, much more…


I constantly have to resize images for blog posts, crop, resample, and adjust colors on image files. IrfanView is my go-to product, hands down. It also has powerful command line support. I once used IrfanView from the command line to create JPG thumbnails of over 200 PDF files in a batch process.

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Tools of the Trade – #03 WinDirStat

Title: #03 WinDirStat
Published: 10/20/2014
Publisher: Open Source
Version: 1.1.2
File size: 0.6 MB
Frequency of use: WEEKLY
Cost: Free but donations are accepted

Works with PortableApps: Yes
Download URL: Click here to download


WinDirStat (Windows Directory Statistics) is a disk usage statistics viewer and cleanup tool for Windows. On start up, WinDirStat reads the whole directory tree once and then presents it in three useful views:

  • The directory list, which resembles the tree view of the Windows Explorer but is sorted by file/subtree size.
  • The treemap, which shows the whole contents of the directory tree straight away.
  • The extension list, which serves as a legend and shows statistics about the file types.


WinDirStat can be pretty slow sometimes, but it’s great for finding out why your hard drive is full. I especially like using WinDirStat to delete contents in the Windows Recycle Bin or desktops of other user accounts on a server or PC (like when another admin downloads ISO files to the desktop).

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Tools of the Trade – #02 KeePass

Title: #02 KeePass
Published: 06/11/2016
Publisher: Open Source
Version: 2.3.4
File size: 2.9 MB
Frequency of use: DAILY
Cost: Free but donations are accepted
(PayPal, wire transfer & Flattr)

Works with PortableApps: Yes
Download URL: Click here to download


KeePass is a free open source password manager which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. You can put all your passwords in one database, which is locked with one master key or a key file. So you only have to remember one single master password or select the key file to unlock the whole database. The databases are encrypted using the best and most secure encryption algorithms currently known (AES and Twofish).


I use separate KeePass databases for personal and professional information. Being able to carry the KeePass program and your database on an encrypted (BitLocker To Go) flash drive is great!

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Training – What’s New in Windows Server 2016

Title: What’s New in Windows Server 2016
Published: 06/03/2016
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Instructors: Corey Hynes and Ward Ralston
Level: 200 (Intermediate)
Length: 5 hours
Modules: 7
Assessments: 5
Cost: FREE
Training URL: Click here to launch training


In this helpful course, get the details about the features and functionality that have been added to this new version of Windows Server, along with those that were modified from previous versions.
See demonstrations and get high-level overviews online casino go, from a practical and a conceptual standpoint. Take a look at what’s new in Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V and software-defined networking, learn about the latest in software-defined storage, and hear about security features, including Credential Guard. Plus, explore containers and Nano Server, along with implementation and management.


  1. Instructor Introductions and Prep
    Meet your instructors, and learn what you should know as you come to this course.
  2. Introduction to Windows Server 2016
    Get a high-level overview of what’s new in Windows Server 2016, from a conceptual standpoint.
  3. The Software-Defined Datacenter – Part 1 
    Take a look at what’s new in Windows Server 2016 Hyper-V and software-defined networking.
  4. The Software-Defined Datacenter – Part 2 
    Get a high-level overview of what’s new in Windows Server 2016 storage, including software-defined storage.
  5. Security and Authentication 
    Look at the newest features in Windows Server 2016 security and Remote Desktop Services (RDS), including Credential Guard and RDS Scaling.
  6. Application Platform 
    Take a look at containers and Nano Server, along with implementation and management.
  7. Post-Event Survey (optional)
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Tools of the Trade – #01 PortableApps

The blog post starts a new series called “Tools of the Trade” (TotT) where I post information regarding software tools I use in IT on a daily or weekly basis.

Note: TotT is not a series of in-depth reviews, but one of those ‘I wish I had known about that’ or information on ‘what tools are other folks using’.

My goals for TotT:

  • Keep the posts short
  • Include the download URL
  • Recommend products that save me time and effort
  • Use low-cost or free software where possible

With that said, let’s get started with one of my all-time favorites…

Title: #01 PortableApps
Published: 05/13/2016
Publisher: Open Source
Version: 14.1
File size: 9.0 MB
Frequency of use: DAILY
Cost: Free but donations are accepted
(BTC, LTC & PayPal)

Download URL: Click here to download


A portable app is a computer program that you can carry around with you on a portable device or cloud drive and use on any Windows computer. When your USB flash drive, portable hard drive, iPod or other portable device is plugged in or your cloud drive is synced, you have access to your software and personal data just as you would on your own PC. And when you unplug the device, none of your personal data is left behind.

  • No Special Hardware
    Use any USB flash drive, portable hard drive, etc.
  • No Additional Software
    Just download, run the portable installer and go
  • No Kidding
    It’s that easy


PortableApps is great for running other software on PCs that are locked down (no local admin rights / no software install rights).

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OneNote 15.24 for Mac OS X Finally Offers Pen Support

Title: Microsoft OneNote
Published: 07/21/2016
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Version: 15.24
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later
File size: 449 MB
Cost: FREE from the Mac App Store
Download URL: Click here for download

This month (July 2016) OneNote on the Mac is finally catching up to some of the features long-enjoyed by Windows users of OneNote: 

  • OneNote Web Clipper
  • Preview
  • YouTube and Vimeo Support
  • Highlight text
  • Clip multiple regions in one go
  • Use your own title
  • Articles your way
  • Grid or Lined Page Backgrounds
  • Sharing Notifications Email service
    …and the big one…
  • Inking in OneNote for Mac (finally)!

The odd thing I noticed is that even though I’ve got OneNote already installed on my MacBook, the 15.24 update didn’t show up automatically under Updates in the App Store; I had to search for it.

Once I clicked the Get button in the App Store and verified my Apple ID credentials, the upgrade was smooth and flawless. Now, if we could only get OneTastic for OneNote on the Mac.

After you install OneNote 15.24 for Mac, enable the web clipping extension:
Open Safari | click the Share icon | click More | scroll down in the Share Menu and enable the OneNote extension.

Source: Microsoft Office Blog

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Download – Free Server 2016 Technical Preview eBook

Title: Introducing Windows Server 2016 Technical Preview
Authors: John McCabe and the Windows Server team 
Published: April 20, 2016
Publisher: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 978-0-7356-9773-7
Pages: 176
Price: FREE
Download URL: Click here for download


  • 697737_ebook_TechPreview.pdf (9.32 MB)
  • 697737_ebook_mobile_TechPreview.pdf (6.67 MB)


Get a head start evaluating Windows Server 2016—guided by the experts. Based on Technical Preview 4, John McCabe and the Windows Server team introduce the new features and capabilities, with practical insights on how Windows Server 2016 can meet the needs of your business. Get the early, high-level overview you need to begin preparing your deployment now!


  1. The software-defined datacenter
  2. Compute
  3. Storage
  4. Networking
  5. Security
  6. App Plat
  7. Systems management
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Download – 426 New Azure and Cloud Visio Stencils

Title: Microsoft Azure, Cloud and Enterprise Symbol / Icon Set
Published: 12/18/2014 
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Version: 2.02
File name:
Size: 4.2 MB
Download URL: Click here for download


This package contains a set of symbols/icons to visually represent features of and systems that use Microsoft Azure and related technologies.


CLOUD – CnE_CloudV2.09.vss
(155 stencils)


DEPRECATED – CnE_DeprecatedV2.vss
(19 stencils)


DRAWING – CnE_DrawingV2.vss
(36 stencils)



ENTERPRISE – CnE_EnterpriseV2.03.vss
(154 stencils)



GENERAL SYMBOLS – CnE_GeneralSymbolsV2.vss
(40 stencils)



(22 stencils)


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