VN:F [1.9.20_1166]
Have U Rebooted Yet – 009
Have U Rebooted Yet – 008
Have U Rebooted Yet – 007
Have U Rebooted Yet – 006
Have U Rebooted Yet – 005
Have U Rebooted Yet – 004
Have U Rebooted Yet – 003
Have U Rebooted Yet – 002
Have U Rebooted Yet
For a while, I’ve toyed with the idea of writing a geeky comic strip. I finally decided to take the notes I’ve been gathering and put them to use.
Below is the first one that I mocked up over the weekend. I’ve used Visio 2010 as the drawing tool, which is a breeze. I can’t promise the comic will be funny, but anyone who knows me personally doesn’t need that disclaimer. Enjoy!