Download – Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure

ebook_dev_azureTitle: The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure, Second Edition
Published: 2017
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
File size: 3.21 MB
Pages: 57
File name: Azure_Developer_Guide_eBook.pdf
Download URL: Click here to download


The Developer’s Guide to Microsoft Azure was written to help you on your journey to the cloud, whether you’re just considering making the move, or you’ve already decided and are underway.

This e-book was written by developers for developers. And it is specifically meant to give you, as a developer, a fundamental knowledge of what Azure is all about, what it offers you and your organization, and how to take advantage of it all.

Using Microsoft Azure for Marketing

Welcome to our blog post where we delve into the exciting world of marketing and explore how Microsoft Azure can be a game-changer for your marketing campaigns. In today’s digital era, social media has become a powerful tool for businesses to engage with their audience. Let’s discover how leveraging the capabilities of Microsoft Azure can elevate your marketing efforts to new heights.

1. Harnessing Data Insights

One of the greatest advantages of using Microsoft Azure for marketing is its ability to provide valuable data insights. With Azure’s advanced analytics and machine learning capabilities, you can gain a deep understanding of your target audience’s preferences, behavior, and demographics.

By analyzing social media data, you can identify trends, sentiments, and consumer patterns, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and tailor your marketing strategies accordingly. Azure’s powerful data processing capabilities empower you to transform raw data into actionable insights, giving you a competitive edge in the market.

2. Personalized Customer Experiences

In the marketing world, personalization is key to capturing and retaining customer attention. Microsoft Azure enables you to deliver highly personalized experiences to your target audience across various social media platforms.

With Azure’s scalable infrastructure and artificial intelligence (AI) services, you can create dynamic content that resonates with individual users. By leveraging Azure’s cognitive services, such as text and image recognition, you can analyze user-generated content and deliver tailored recommendations, promotions, and advertisements.

3. Enhanced Social Media Advertising

Social media advertising is a vital component of any successful marketing strategy. Microsoft Azure offers a range of tools and services that can optimize your social media advertising efforts.

Azure’s machine learning algorithms can analyze vast amounts of data to identify the most effective ad placements, optimal posting times, and target audience segments. This allows you to allocate your marketing budget more efficiently and achieve higher conversion rates.

4. Seamless Campaign Management

Managing marketing campaigns across multiple social media platforms can be a daunting task. However, with Microsoft Azure, you can streamline your campaign management process.

Azure’s cloud-based infrastructure provides a centralized platform where you can create, monitor, and track your marketing campaigns in real-time. From scheduling posts to analyzing campaign performance, Azure simplifies the complex task of managing social media marketing efforts, freeing up valuable time and resources.

5. Scalability and Reliability

As your business grows, so does the need for scalable and reliable marketing solutions. Microsoft Azure offers a robust and flexible infrastructure that can adapt to your evolving marketing requirements.

Azure’s cloud-based services allow you to scale your marketing campaigns effortlessly, ensuring that your social media presence can handle increased traffic and engagement. With Azure’s reliable infrastructure, you can rest assured that your marketing efforts will run smoothly without interruptions.

In conclusion, utilizing Microsoft Azure for marketing can be the key to unlocking the marketing heaven for your business. By harnessing data insights, delivering personalized experiences, optimizing social media advertising, streamlining campaign management, and leveraging scalability and reliability, Azure empowers you to reach new heights in your marketing endeavors.

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Microsoft Stream – It’s YouTube For Your Company

In this episode of Azure Friday, Vishal Sood gives Scott Hanselman a quick tour of Microsoft Stream, which is built on Microsoft Azure and enables you to upload & share videos across your organization.

Microsoft Stream feels more like OneDrive than YouTube, but I think this has a lot of potential for training, HR and promo videos. Stream is currently in Beta.

Source: Azure Friday

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Training – Visual Studio 2017 and Azure

Title: Web and Data Application Development with Visual Studio 2017 and Azure
Instructors: Jeff Prosise and Scott J. Peterson
Published: November 29, 2016
Time: 5 hours (excluding labs & assessments)
Modules: 6
URL: Click here

If you’d like to learn application development end-to-end, be sure to take this Microsoft Virtual Academy course. Get a look at a number of cloud-based technologies, see practical demonstrations, and dig into what’s new in Visual Studio 2017, in this course, part of Connect(); //2016 Day 3.

Things tend to change as well as the software itself, but before they change one tends to record the moment in his mind, what better instead to record moments with Fame Park, unrepeatable and indescribable moments brought by the hand of professional photographers

Pro-tip: If you’re an IT Pro and not a Developer, you should still watch Module 6.


  1. .NET Core & Application Insights
  2. Azure SQL & SQL Server 2016 & Azure Storage
  3. Azure Functions & Cognitive Services
  4. Power BI & Office Graph
  5. Azure Search & Language Understanding Intelligent Services (LUIS)
  6. Docker & Azure Container Registry & Linux & SQL Server
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Microsoft Rights Management Services (RMS) Whitepapers

Networks today are no longer a simple group of laptops, PCs and on-premise servers controlled by the IT department. Now we have to contend with cloud services, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) scenarios, the Consumerization of IT (CoIT), telecommuters, and hybrid networks.

Simply put, networks aren’t simple anymore, especially when it comes to protecting company data.

Fortunately, Microsoft has a series of eight whitepapers on Rights Management Services (RMS) that can help you wrap your head around the options available for protecting sensitive information.

Title: Microsoft Rights Management services (RMS) whitepapers
Published: 07/22/2016
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation 
Version: 1.52
File size: 30.7 MB
Download URL: Click here to download


  • Bring Your Own Key (BYOK) with Azure Rights Management
    By following the steps outlined in this document you should be able to successfully prepare your environment to leverage this BYOK capability, enable it and manage your key over the time.
    Bring-Your-Own-Key-with-Azure-RMS.docx (3.7 MB)
  • Configuring Azure RMS with federation on-premises for Office client applications
    This document provides step-by-step information on how to configure and use Azure RMS to perform content protection on your corporate Office document in conjunction with federation on-premises.
    Configure-Azure-RMS-with-federation-for-Office.docx (7.3 MB)
  • Get Usage Logs from Azure Rights Management
    By following the steps outlined in this document you should be able to successfully prepare your environment to enable and monitor the usage of your Azure Rights Management service’s tenant.
    Get-Usage-Logs-from-Azure-RMS.docx (0.6 MB)
  • Information Protection and Control (IPC) in Microsoft Exchange Online with AD RMS
    This document is intended to provide a better understanding of how to use an on-premises AD RMS infrastructure for the Exchange Online services of the organization’s Office 365 tenant in the Cloud.
    IPC-in-Exchange-Online-with-AD-RMS.docx (1.8 MB)
  • Information Protection and Control (IPC) in Office 365 with Azure Rights Management
    This document is intended to help you preview and evaluate the Azure Rights Management service technology. It contains a brief information on IPC and the Azure Rights Management service that helps you understand what it is, and how it differs from on-premises Active Directory Rights Management Services (AD RMS). It provides step-by-step information on how to configure and use the Azure Rights Management service to perform rights protection on your corporate content.
    IPC-in-Office-365-with-Azure-RMS.docx (5.2 MB)
  • Leverage the Mobile Device Extension for AD RMS
    This document provides information about the Mobile Device Extension for AD RMS, and how it can be deployed on top of existing Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2-based AD RMS clusters to support the important devices with mobile RMS-enlightened applications. By following the steps outlined in this document you should be able to successfully prepare your environment to deploy the Mobile Device Extension, and start using it within your organization to create and consume protected content on all the important devices.
    Leverage-the-Mobile-Device-Extension-for-AD-RMS-on-your-premises-(PS-Scripts).zip (10 KB)
    Leverage-the-Mobile-Device-Extension-for-AD-RMS-on-your-premises.docx (3.9 MB)
  • Leverage the Rights Management Connector for your premises
    By following the steps outlined in this document you should be able to successfully prepare your environment to deploy the Azure Rights Management service (Azure RMS), install and configure the Rights Management connector, and start using it within your organization to create and consume protected content.
    Leverage-the-RMS-Connector-for-your-premises.docx (5.2 MB)
  • Share protected content with Azure Rights Management
    This document provides information about the Rights Management sharing applications to share protected content on all important devices and the Rights Management for individuals to enable anyone to share protected content.
    Share-protected-content-with-Azure-RMS.docx (2.9 MB)
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Download – 426 New Azure and Cloud Visio Stencils

Title: Microsoft Azure, Cloud and Enterprise Symbol / Icon Set
Published: 12/18/2014 
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Version: 2.02
File name:
Size: 4.2 MB
Download URL: Click here for download


This package contains a set of symbols/icons to visually represent features of and systems that use Microsoft Azure and related technologies.


CLOUD – CnE_CloudV2.09.vss
(155 stencils)


DEPRECATED – CnE_DeprecatedV2.vss
(19 stencils)


DRAWING – CnE_DrawingV2.vss
(36 stencils)



ENTERPRISE – CnE_EnterpriseV2.03.vss
(154 stencils)



GENERAL SYMBOLS – CnE_GeneralSymbolsV2.vss
(40 stencils)



(22 stencils)


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Download – Free Microsoft Azure Essentials eBook

Microsoft Azure Essentials - Fundamentals of AzureTitle: Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure
Authors: Michael S. Collier and Robin E. Shahan
Published: Feb 2015
Publisher: Microsoft Press
ISBN: 978-0-7356-9722-5
Pages: 246
Price: FREE
Download URL: Click here for download


PDF: 9780735697225.pdf (6.7 MB)
EPUB: 9780735697225.epub (12.0 MB)
Kindle / Mobi: (24.6 MB)


The “Microsoft Azure Essentials” series helps you advance your technical skills with Microsoft Azure. “Microsoft Azure Essentials: Fundamentals of Azure” introduces developers and IT professionals to the wide range of capabilities in Azure. The authors—both Microsoft MVPs in Azure—present conceptual and how-to content for seven key areas and describe management tools and business cases.


  1. Getting started with Azure
  2. Azure Websites and Azure Cloud Services
  3. Azure Virtual Machines
  4. Azure Storage
  5. Azure Virtual Networks
  6. Databases
  7. Azure Active Directory
  8. Management Tools
  9. Business Cases
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Download – Test Lab Guide – Windows Azure AD

Test Lab Guide: Creating a Windows Azure AD and Windows Server AD Environment using DirSync with Password SyncTitle: Test Lab Guide: Creating a Windows Azure AD and Windows Server AD Environment using DirSync with Password Sync
Author: Bill Mathers
Published: 01/15/2014
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Pages: 48
Size: 1.8 MB
File name: DirSync_TLG.docx
Download URL: Click here for download


This document will assist IT professionals, administrators, architects, and developers with in creating a test lab that uses Windows Azure Active Directory and Windows Server AD.


  1. Set Up the Configuring the Windows Server 2012 Base Configuration Test Lab for Public Cloud Technologies
  2. Sign-up for a Windows Azure 30-Day Trial
  3. Create a Windows Azure AD Tenant
  4. Prepare the Windows Azure AD Tenant for Synchronization
  5. Create Organizational Units and Test Users in Windows Server AD
  6. Download and Install DirSync
  7. Configure DirSync to specific Organizational Units
  8. Run DirSync and Verify Results
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Download – Visio Stencils for Windows Azure

Buck WoodyBuck Woody (Microsoft employee) has created and shared some unofficial Visio Stencils for Windows Azure.

You can download the stencils for free from his SkyDrive.

Title: Windows Azure Visio Shapes
File size: 846 KB
File name: Azure.vss
Download: Click here to download


Windows Azure Stencils for the following:

  1. Yahoo Identity
  2. Facebook Identity
  3. Google Identity
  4. LiveID Identity
  5. Cloud
  6. Datacenter
  7. Claim
  8. ID
  9. Security
  10. Persistent VM
  11. Web Role
  12. Worker Role
  13. Queue
  14. Table Storage
  15. BLOB Storage
  16. Cache
  17. Azure Services
  18. RDBMS Service
  19. Windows Workload
  20. Windows Process
  21. On Premises Server
  22. Application
  23. On Premises Data
  24. On Premises
  25. Person 1
  26. People
  27. Person 2


Visio Stencils for Windows Azure (unofficial)

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New Windows Azure Network Security Whitepaper

Title: Windows Azure Network Security Whitepaper
Author: Ashwin Palekar, Principal Program Manager, Windows Azure
Published: Nov 2013
Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
Pages: 14
Size: 579 KB
File name: Windows Azure Network Security Whitepaper – FINAL.docx
Download URL: Click here for download

Windows Azure Network Security Whitepaper


This document provides guidance on securing network communication for applications deployed in Windows Azure, enabling customers to determine how best to protect their virtual infrastructure and data.

The intended audience for this whitepaper includes:

  • IT and Network administrators interested in deploying applications on Windows Azure
  • Developers interested in creating applications that run on Windows Azure
  • Technical decision makers (TDMs) considering Windows Azure to support new or existing services
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