
Name: Tim Barrett
Location: Louisville, Kentucky, United States

Download my contact information in vCard format:

I’m a Microsoft Small Business Specialist. And I hate monkeys. A lot.   

“No Geek Left Behind” – Tim Barrett’s official attempt at wasting two minutes of your life that you’ll never get back. Look for Microsoft Windows Small Business Server (SBS) news sprinkled amongst meaningless tripe & prattle. Contact info below:

Business card (front)

Business card - front


Business card (back) 

Business card - back 


All of my photos online can be found on Flickr: 

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One Reply to “Contact”

  1. Tim,
    I have a 2012 R2 AD with 2012 R2 clients. I wanted to use WMI through GPO to isolate the users of the client system from the various member servers and domain servers, but there are only two choices. DC or not DC. I have the clients configured for 90 passwords and the admin(s) to have access to the member and DC 30 passwords. Since WMI wont work how do I isolate the two. Somehow tie it to the user instead of the workstations

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