So What DO You Blog About?

I ask myself that question a lot.

Using a tool from here’s the answer to what I’ve been blogging about lately:

My latest blog topics 

Looks kind of like a brain, doesn’t it? And that list is pretty accurate, considering it’s only cataloging what you’re blogging about now. And lately we’ve been talking about the new Microsoft certifications.

And this is my Delicious feed – i.e. stuff I bookmark but don’t necessarily blog:

My Delicious bookmarks

So how does this stack up against other SBS / SMB space bloggers?

Wordle is a pretty interesting tool. I was a little surprised that the SBS content on my blog lately wasn’t higher. And for me that’s a bit of a wakeup call because I’ve been ‘talking’ (face-to-face and over the phone) about SBS a lot with co-workers, partners, customers, user group members. I just haven’t been blogging it. So that’s a good opportunity for me to refocus my writing a bit.

As for the other blog pictures listed; take the images with a grain of salt. This sampling isn’t meant to pigeon hole any blog or blogger into a certain category, or to attempt to define that person. It’s just a visual representation of a mathematical word count of the RSS feeds on their main page.  I also think that items being closer to the top of the page seem to rank higher. Run your blog (or your personal favorite) through Wordle – you might be surprised too. 🙂

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Hacks – Hacker Chip Clip

This idea came to me today while having lunch at my desk (don’t know why I didn’t think of it before).

After putting the smack down on some tasty potato chips, I couldn’t find a chip clip to close the bag to keep it from going stale. However, I did have an ample supply of hard drive magnets lying around. I put one on each side of the bag, and viola! Life hack!


The only trick is not smashing your fingers while placing the magnets near each other. These magnets are so strong that I can hang the bag from a file cabinet or the side of the fridge.


Sometimes I crack myself up. 🙂

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